Thanks to the efforts of all you readers who responded to yesterday's open letter to Senator Klein, he, Paul Steely White of Transportation Alternatives, and I will be meeting to discuss policy options that could help make the streets of New York City more livable, more sustainable and safer for cyclists.
This is great proof of the strength of participative democracy. You make a difference. Hundreds of you called the Senator's office or emailed him, supporting my request to meet. We can change the world as long as we try.
And try we did.
The Senator's office specifically called me yesterday afternoon to ask if we might to stop calling for the time being. Apparently, they were getting so many calls that it interfered with the running of the office.
As for what we'll talk about at the meeting, I'm wondering if the Senator might be willing to take a spin with me around New York City on a bike to see things from the point of view of a biker. I'm hoping he'll agree that this will give him an excellent perspective from which to understand the consequences of his policy positions (see here and here).
In return, I would be glad to take a spin with him in his car to see what things are like from the point of view of the driver of a black Mercedes.
But the question of a friendly bike ride is just one among the subjects for our coming meeting. I'll let you know the others.
Meantime, let's give the Senator's staff a break until we find out what the Senator's thoughts are. We can always pick up the phone calling again later. Let's look forward to what I hope will be a productive and substantive discussion on the important issues of sustainable, healthy and safe transportation policies in New York City.
Thanks again for your help! Now you know: you count!
Colin Beavan (that's me!) is now leading a conversation about finding a happy, helpful life at If you want to know how people are breaking out and and finding authentic, meaningful lives that help our world, check it out the blog here and sign up to join the conversation here.